Delta Baco – Tobacco Distributor


Contact with us

Importer and wholesale distributor of tobacco

national and european trademark registration | EU-CEG european health registry of tobacco products | SANTE EU importer number 05942

KALYSIS IBERIA SL, C/ El Greco, 17 – Urb. El Capitán, 29700 Vélez-Málaga – España

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Whatever you guess and need

Do you want to sell on this side of the Atlantic? Buy a Delta Baco product? Register your Trademark or obtain the European Health Registration TPD EU-CEG? Distribute our products in your country? Indicate what Delta Baco help / product or service you need


Tell us about you or your business for help you better: what assistance do you need, your characteristics, reasons, motivations, quantities, frequency ...and one specialist will be in touch with you soon. You always can reach us in WhatsApp anyway

Delta Baco® exclusive distribution of Czevitrum smoking accessories for Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic and all the countries of Central America.

Delta Baco® on Social networks